Let Customers Pull

Kanban System

What is it?

A method of using visual signals (kanban) for triggering or controlling the flow of materials between processes internally or with outside suppliers.

Typical Kanban card

Why use it?

The Kanban “Talk”

The Six Kanban Rules

Follow these six kanban rules:

  1. Downstream processes always come to withdraw
  2. Produce only the quantity withdrawn
  3. Don’t send defects to the next process
  4. Kanban should be attached to the actual parts containers
  5. For kanban to work, production must be leveled
  6. The best kanban is not needing a kanban

How do I do it?

  1. Validate three conditions:
  1. Calculate the number of kanban cards (N):
N = [(Average Demand x Lead Time) + Buffer Stock + Safety Stock] / Container Size
Buffer = Inventory due to sudden fluctuations in customer orders
Safety Stock = Inventory due to reliability issues in the process
  1. Define the kanban cards and process for production and withdrawal. Train all participants by simulating the actual process
  2. Implement and follow until kanban system is stable

Kanban systems are used only after a line has been stabled and balanced.

7. Pursue Perfection