
5.1 Leadership and Commitment Corporate Responsibility

In an age where companies are getting larger, the world is getting smaller, and the relationships between suppliers is growing even more and more complex, corporate responsibility is seeing an increase in focus across the board and the automotive industry is no exception. Ethical behavior on behalf of companies and the agents that work for them is a key component in long term sustainability.

Over the last decade, product issues have been covered up, investor interest has been put in front of the well-being of the customer base, and the pressures from both above and below have left many companies with questionable decisions that need to have a compass. Quality is just not a feature of a part, but a trait that should be present in the companies that the public has come to trust to keep them safe and prosperous. The link between quality and ethics is growing increasingly stronger as standards merge, and we see this blending in the new requirements for leadership in this Section.

What is it?

How do I do it?

Tools and Techniques to achieve it

Documents you can use to prove it

Questions to ensure you know it

How can you fail at it? Process Effectiveness and Efficiency

ISO/TS hinted at the ideas of both process effectiveness and process efficiency, however IATF 16949 makes it an expressed requirement. While it is common knowledge that processes for manufacturing items must have a way to judge their level of conformance (see Chapter 2 with The Process Approach and the Turtle methodology), it is now explicitly called out that efficiency must be included.

If we look at a shipping process it is not uncommon to see that on-time delivery is frequently included as a metric relating to effectiveness. However, additional measurement for efficiency must be included to comply with the additional requirements of IATF 16949.

In IATF 16949 there are two words that are always found together:

Effectiveness must come first, as it doesn’t matter how well you do things if you are not doing the right things. However, both measures are required for all processes both core to the organization’s business (i.e. product realization) and supporting processes. As a practical example the above shipping process may be refined for both effectiveness and efficiency through the below metrics:

Most of the time efficiency measures are measured through budgetary terms and both are essential to make a healthy and viable supply chain (a company that pays 30% premium freight to make certain they do not miss a shipment will not be in business long).

What is it?

How do I do it?

Tools and Techniques to achieve it

Documents you can use to prove it

Questions to ensure you know it

How can you fail at it? Process Owners

Process owners are a huge portion of IATF 16949, as they have the ultimate responsibility to provide resources and affect process performance. Below are common traits to all processes, note process ownership is one of the key items:

Under IATF 16949 the process owner must not only be aware and trained, but also must be competent. Competence is defined as “the ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve the intended result”, and each individual business must define its competence relative to its context. As an example:

In a product safety environment, competency may include an awareness of the regulatory implications for the processes the process owners oversee, whereas in certain situations competence may simply be the understanding that they know the inputs that influence their potential outcome relating to risk (mentioned in Chapter 6), and how they interact with the processes that they serve as an internal supplier.

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How do I do it?

Tools and Techniques to achieve it

Documents you can use to prove it

Questions to ensure you know it

How can you fail at it?

5.3 Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities
5.3.1 Organizational Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities

In the old ISO/TS standard there used to be a role for the “Management Representative”. This used to be a position where an individual within the company held a role of a majority of all things QMS. In the IATF 16949 standard this position is eliminated and replaced with the list of responsibilities this individual used to have. These assignments must be documented and still cover the same items, but the IATF 16949 has opened up the role in order to assist companies of various sizes in achieving these functions. While there is a bulleted list, the flexibility created is extremely beneficial to an organization.

As an example, it used to be implied that the same individual was responsible for providing the voice of the customer when assigning special characteristics and setting Quality Objectives. This is usually done by two different individuals, and with the allowance to redistribute these responsibilities we can assign the selection of special characteristics to a member of management dealing with new program development and keep selection of Quality Objectives with an individual responsible for longer term strategic planning.

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How can you fail at it?

5.3.2 Responsibility and Authority for Product Requirements and Corrective Actions

Responsibility without authority is a losing proposition, and it is key that individuals who have the authority (as defined in the roles and responsibilities for an organization) also have the authority to make changes and allocate resources. IATF 16949 goes beyond previous requirements in ensuring that those with responsibility for product conformance are empowered to stop the line, and those with the responsibility to take action are informed promptly and empowered similarly. Lastly, in operations running around the clock, make sure that someone within the organizational structure is made responsible for the conformity to product requirements. In most organizations that could be the quality group, however there is no requirement for who can be selected. In smaller organizations it is common for it to be product people to have this authority. Note again the flexibility of IATF 16949 to accommodate various sizes of organizations in their standard.

What is it?

How do I do it?

Tools and Techniques to achieve it

Documents you can use to prove it

Questions to ensure you know it

How can you fail at it?

6. Chapter 6 - Planning